Win Annual-In House Research Competition Dr. Rey D.Galua Albina, Tobias. The research on “Sustainable Green Building Design in an Urban Setting: An Energy Efficiency and Carbon Abatement Strategy Initiatives in a Local Setting” by Dr. Dionel O. Albina, Architect Rey D. Galua and Dr. Ermelinda M. Tobias won this year’s University-Wide Best Paper during the 14th Annual In-house Evaluation of Completed Researches last September 4 – 5, 2013 at the University gymnasium.

The poster with the research title “Design and Development of Autonomous Rover Mobile Robot” by researchers Hazel M. Aboga-a, Armando D. Alvarez, Mark Chester M. Cuadra, Charlene T. Dagang and Dr. Ruvel J. Cuasito Sr. as adviser likewise won the University-Wide Best Scientific Poster. Dr. Oliva P. Canencia, Director of the Research and Development Division, shared her thoughts during her opening message on how research helps in the achievement of the University as it maintains its SUC Level 4 status, making it one of the leading state universities in the country.
Dr. Angelito C. Alolod, MUST consultant and former Regional Director of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Region 10 who delivered the inspirational message, also shared how research conducted nowadays helps in addressing global issues particularly that of global warming and climate change.

Oral presentations were held simultaneously at the AVR – ITB building, university gymnasium, room 201 of building 35, and the AVR at the ICT building during the two-day event. Dr. Alolod led the panel of evaluators for the oral paper presentation and the scientific poster competition.
Win Annual-In House Research Competition
The other evaluators for the oral paper presentation were Dr. Mark Nolan P. Confessor together with Dr. Alolod for Advanced Science and Marine Biomodeling Category; Dr. Sergio R. Canoy, Jr. and Dr. Arnold C. Alguno for Mathematics Category; Dr. Noel R. Estoperez and Dr. Sherwin Guirnaldo for Engineering, Architecture and Technology Category, and; Dr. Estela Itaas and Dr. Maria Teresa Rivera for Policy Studies, Education, and Social Sciences Category.
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